Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Adios Cusco

Since leaving Cusco I have met travellers who even afer only 3 days in the city felt that they had overstayed their welcome. True Cusco´s streets are conjested with tourists and women desperately trying to sell massages, but after nearly 7 weeks I was sad to go.

I was however fortunate enough to befriend folk with a lust for Cusco´s rich history and a need for eager students to teach it to. My dwindling time was spent conversing around Saqsayhuaman (pronounced Sexy Woman), final battleground between the Inka and relentless Conquistador, and Coricancha, otherwise known as the Temple of the Sun.

On my last day the Plaza de Armas erupted in celebration. Another typical Cusqueña day full of parades, traditional dance, and festivity. Unsure of what we were witnessing but glad that we were, Gracie and I spent hours simply enjoying ourselves. I left Cusco on the night bus for Lima, grateful for the memories.

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